Sri Sathya Sai Organisation

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What is the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation?

The Sri Sathya Sai Organisation (SSSO) is a non-political, non-profit organisation with a spiritual core and base, founded under the guidance and inspiration of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The organisation was formed, and is used, for the sole benefit of helping mankind. It is a global spiritual movement promoting the practice of human values and providing opportunities to participate in service activities.

It is a multi-faith organisation drawing people from all walks of life and all spiritual paths and religions. There is no distinction or separateness of any religion, race, nationality, caste, creed or sect. It has branches all over the world with local groups known as ‘Sai centres’. The headquarters of the organisation is Prasanthi Nilayam, India.

What Bhagawan says about the organisation

“The organisation is simply a gathering together of people who have a common goal in personal spiritual development. The Sai Organisation should be motivated by love. You join the organisation to give, to receive, to progress, to learn, to become inspired and to serve.

The organisation itself is not important; it only provides an opportunity for men, women and children of all faiths to gather together and find the way to progress along the spiritual path and to help others on the same journey.” – Baba


The organisation’s aim is to establish the essential unity of all faiths and to propagate, through example and practice, the principles of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence. The SSSO thus seeks to help “awaken in man, the awareness of the divinity inherent in him”.


  • To help the individual –
    • To be aware of the divinity that is inherent in him and to conduct himself accordingly;
    • To translate into practice in daily life, divine love and perfection; and therefore;
    • To fill one’s life with joy, harmony, beauty, grace, human excellence and lasting happiness;
  • To ensure that all human relations are governed by the principles of Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-violence).
  • To make devotees more sincere and dedicated in the practice of their respective religions by understanding properly the true spirit of their religion.

Find out more about Sri Sathya Sai Organisation UK (SSSOUK) on the following link: